The Doshas and 5 Elements

If you’ve heard of Ayurveda before, you probably have heard of the doshas. They tend to come across to the masses as almost personality types- and as a 90’s kid myself I loved the idea of an ancient spiritual practice that also had some sort of personality assessment like a quiz in the back of Cosmo. And while we may identify with one dosha clearly, there’s a lot more nuance to it and I want to unpack it a bit.

There are three doshas- Pitta, Vata and Kapha. They are comprised of the 5 elements (earth, air, water, fire and ether). The doshas are combinations of the elements. Pitta- think fire and earth. Vata think air and ether. Kapha think earth and water. The doshas show up in everything. In ourselves, in the seasons, in the time of day even the stage of life you’re in. So while you may identify as a fiery pitta, or a more earthy grounded Kapha, remember… everything changes. How you are now may just be a snapshot of you now, and know that you can change. In fact, it is believed you are born with a certain constitution-your prakruti, and as life unfolds and things shift you may evolve into a completely different combination of the doshas- your vikruti. The goal is to know your true nature, your original constitution at birth, and to strive to bring yourself back into balance using the information of the doshas and the elements.

Each dosha has characteristics based on their elements. On an individual level there are physical and emotional tendencies or qualities. While you may identify with some of these qualities, you are an amalgamation of all of them. Some people are even considered tridoshic or dualdoshic- meaning they have equal amounts of all three or two of the doshas. Ayurveda focuses on the observed qualities, and knowing that you can balance out qualities by bringing in the opposite (simply put- if you are hot, you bring in cold. If you are dry you bring in moisture. It really can be that simple). With this in mind let’s examine the doshas a bit. Now, no small blog post can really give a full explanation, but hopefully this can serve as a little amuse bouche to entice you into the power of Ayurveda.

So.. feel free to do a quick search on the interwebs to find more descriptions. Everyone has their flair in presenting.. When I notice the doshas in someone IRl here’s what I’ve observed.. this is not conclusive. In fact, I’ll just keep adding to my descriptors as I go.

Pitta: << FIRE & EARTH>>

  • Fast. Fast walking, fast talking. Makes fast decisions. From the gut.

  • A bit intense. Driven. Firey. Oh so fiery. Potentially almost a bit combative, inherently competitive. Like it’s in their genes. And they win. They do the work. They hustle and slay

  • Strong. Physically athletic, Sports, Teams, Captain. Leader. But also strong emotionally. Dedicated.

  • Strong digestion, if anything runs hot. High metabolism- can be fiery, ie heart burn, loose stools/diahrhea (ew poop-I know but also SO telling..)

  • When out of balance.. think too hot. Dryness, anger, overwhelm, Think they have to do it all, don’t ask for help, think they have to do it themselves. Now.

  • Will work so hard they forget to eat, or actually override their hunger. And then will most likely override their satiety.

  • Maybe overeat and punish with harsh workouts/strict diets…

Vata: << AIR & ETHER>>

  • I always picture them as butterflies. Flitting here and there. Delicately, beautifully, sprinkling little bits of themselves, but also maybe not ever completing a task

  • The creative artist with the most disorganized space they know and love so much, the abstentminded professor. So wise, so intelligent, bounces from topic to topic.

  • Willowy, but like actual easily manipulated by the wind, by their thoughts, by the smell in the air.

  • Breezy, can make and break plans without batting an eye.

  • Graceful, so creative. Maybe not the most consistent, or that reliable. But when they’re present- amazing. Short and sweet though. Perhaps many tabs open, not much checked off the list (a pitta would die)

  • Forgets to eat, woops. Grazes a bit here and there. Very inconsistent digestion. Could really go either way. Same emotionally. Dips in and out of moods. Depends on the weather really. Can also be indecisive and a bit anxious.

Kapha <<EARTH & WATER>>

  • The one you want on your team. The person you just want to receive a hug from and kinda melt into them. They are the earth, and the most stable supportive rock.

  • Not necessarily bigger but almost softer. You’ll want to curl up under a blanket and drink hot cocoa with. Tell your secrets to because they’re a vault

  • Maybe can be a bit lethargic. Maybe dip depressive here and there. But feels their feels. Takes the time to digest. Allows themselves to process, but can often feel the weight of the burden.

  • Silky smooth hair and skin. They take care of themselves. Long luxurious baths, definitely like the finer things and feel deserving. So grounded and calm. Steady. Reliable. Consistent. Maybe to a fault. Might need some coercing out of their comfort zone. But they will probably also be the one willing to tackle the bill at the end of the night, and are happy to do it.


Ayurvedic Spring Cleansing


Constitution Work