So what is…A Mindful ReDesign?
When I reflect back on my “wellness journey” if you will, I’ve evolved quite a bit. But moment to moment, changes seem overwhelming to me. Leaving a decade long career, moving across the country, ending relationships that were no longer serving- I see now that I am/ was completely capable and deserving of these shifts, but the gut reaction to these ideas tends to put me into analysis overload. The last thing a person like me (think: highly motivated and driven, high expectations and big results) needs is more on their plate to put them into overwhelm. What has helped me is my use of language. How I describe something makes a difference for how it actually feels. And as an intense pitta momma, the last thing I need is intense language that leads me to more effort-ing/analyzing/problem solving. When I think instead of a simple redesign it gives me enough fire and inspiration to get the job done without making it seem like some massive undertaking.
I remember I was taking one of my final IRL yoga classes at my fave philly studio (@threequeensyoga- quick shout out), and I started weeping in savasana. One of my fav teachers, @adrianaadele, gently gave me some tissues and an eye pillow to show some tenderness. Afterwards I told her I was feeling all the feels about leaving Philly and this community and she quite simply said, “You can always come back.” That gentle reframe was really important. It’s not a permanent tattoo, It’s a choice that can be reversed if it doesn’t work out! My intense nature made these decisions seem so irreversible! But in reality.. it’s just an experiment. A little redesign. Mix up some variables and see what happens!
And that’s how I approach my wellness journey through Ayurveda. What am I noticing, what symptoms, emotions, red lights or green lights am I experiencing? Does it feel good? Keep doing it. If it doesn’t- what can be adjusted? I believe in this holistic approach that really uses the data and feedback we are receiving on the daily to inform our decisions. Maybe it’s some chronic back pain, or indigestion after a meal, or even that anxiety that creeps in when you’re attending an event with certain people. However the data comes to you- taking a beat to digest it, and letting it inform your choices is huge. and impactful. We have agency. It might be hard to tap into and feel empowered by with our current life circumstances, but I promise you- it can be done with some support and guidance.
The other key aspect is mindfulness. We all know the benefits of paying attention, being observant with what’s coming up, and maybe the most important part, equanimity- that mental calmness during trying circumstances. My path began to evolve much more quickly once this became one of my main practices and pillars of my life. It’s not just meditation (though I will say, that works wonders on that emotional calmness- like a salve for the nervous system), it’s also just being conscious of what’s happening now, how much capacity you have now, and what your intuition is really telling you (vs the “should’s” and “ought to’s” that tend to flood the decision making process).
I believe we all have the ability to slow down enough to become aware of our tendencies or patterns. Slow down enough to pause in the moment and decide if this thing we always do, the response that we don’t even have to think about, that neural pathway that is well grooved from time, if it’s actually what we want… Or if maybe, there’s another option! That’s the juice and I promise it’s worth the squeeze.
So, language matters. Will we make some shifts in your life together that guide you closer to the person you are here to become? Absolutely! Will it happen overnight? No way. It will be in small incremental, digestable shifts. It will be recognizing you reach for your phone to scroll mindlessly after a complicated and depleting meeting, and maybe you’ll choose some breath work or a walk outside instead. Or grabbing that pint of ice cream or bottle of wine after a long day, and instead making a cup of tea from specific herbs intended to balance you out. It will be through cultivating mindfulness and an awareness of who you are, and making simple redesigns in your choices and decision making. It’s empowering and honestly it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to support you on this journey and see where it takes you!